The thought and the tear

The Self and its interrelations


  • Clara Rossana Ferraro de Sá Autónoma



self psychology, conscience, unconscious (psychology), ego


This paper is a case study, lasting four years, with weekly sessions of 50 minutes, held in private practice, using expressive techniques and dream analysis. The Jungian analysis is structured in a sacred space, a "Temenos". Deeper levels of the Soul are accessed through the translation of the symbolic contents produced during the sessions enabling a dialogue with the complexes constellated by the Self, the central archetype. For Jung the center of consciousness is a structure that generates identity, the Ego, and the Self would be the organizing center that encompasses the psychic totality. The relationship between the centers Ego and Self provides the structuring of consciousness having as its goal the process of Individuation, in which the unconscious contents are assimilated and signified by bringing self-knowledge. The result is an expansion of consciousness and consequently, of self-awareness. In this process, the creative challenge appeared as the need to weaken the egoic function of Thought, which emerges as the Medusa Complex. This excess mobilizes the antagonistic forces that seek balance.  The consequent integration of the function of Feeling brings fluidity and awareness to the whole body which gives, in return, fertility and renewed energy.


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How to Cite

Ferraro de Sá, C. R. (2019). The thought and the tear: The Self and its interrelations. Self - Revista Do Instituto Junguiano De São Paulo, 4(1), 1–30.