The expressive psyche: The study of a psychotherapeutic process combined with plastic production


  • Paola Vieitas Vergueiro São Paulo



art therapy, analytical psychotherapy, symbol.


The present case study demonstrates a way of using expressive resources in psychotherapy and the symbolic analysis of this process. It is dedicated to the trajectory of a patient who, when starting psychotherapy, suffers from intense anxiety and was unable to visualize a future for his life. The psychodynamic reading identifies the accentuated action of complexes and lack of contact with the inner world. Throughout the process the patient accesses his unconscious through his dreams, his expressiveness and the dialogue with the psychotherapist. Many achievements are made during the process: the maternal and paternal complexes are revisited and transformed; the awareness of unconscious contents through symbolic understanding creates a path for his psychic energy, which results in a new vitality; the symbolic perspective becomes part of his life, previously imprisoned in a literal, concrete vision. Once in possession of these resources, his personality strengthens and his hero manifests himself, returning to offer him protagonism and creative perspectives in life. This work seeks, therefore, to bring together analytical psychology study and practice: academic research, clinical care, theoretical foundation and the use of plastic expressiveness, without the intention of exhausting the possibilities of reading and understanding the case or the areas of knowledge addressed.


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Author Biography

Paola Vieitas Vergueiro, São Paulo

Analyst in training at the Instituto Junguiano de São Paulo (IJUSP, Jungian Institute of São Paulo). Doctor in Clinical Psychology by Núcleo de Estudos Junguianos da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP, Nucleus of Jungian Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo); master degree in Development Disorders by Instituto Mackenzie (Mackenzie Institute); specialist in Jungian approach by PUC-SP; graduated in Psychology by PUC-SP; art therapist trained by the Associação de Arteterapia do Estado de São Paulo (Art Therapy Association of São Paulo). Psychologist, psychotherapist, teacher, advisor and supervisor. Develops research dedicated to the interface between analytic psychology, art, society and culture.


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How to Cite

Vergueiro, P. V. (2017). The expressive psyche: The study of a psychotherapeutic process combined with plastic production. Self - Revista Do Instituto Junguiano De São Paulo, 2.



Case study

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