What those who "do not speak" say about us
affections that permeate relationship between humans and non-humans nowadays
affection, junguian psycology, biodiversity, ontology, imaginaryAbstract
This article aimed to discuss, from the perspective of analytic psychology, the inclusion of multiple species in the handling between humans and non-humans. The course of our existence on Earth gathered a series of images, symbols and dreams formed in the relationship with the multiple species. Nowadays, antagonistic reports about the handling of care and torture with non-humans demonstrate a contemporary world polarized and in constant transformation. Disoriented, we need to look for views yet unknown for the children of the Anthropocene. The objective of this paper was to launch a plural view over existence, capable of listening to the voice of those who “do not speak”, for being considered to have no language or not to have a high level of awareness, therefore, vulnerable to domination. The method applied was bibliographic revision in the areas of ecology, botanic, anthropology, philosophy and analytic psychology. It was concluded that it is necessary to incorporate our animalistic roots as predicates for the encounter with the voices of the world and its beings, and that it is necessary to urgently drink from the sources of other ontologies that were denied in the process of achieving awareness of the world, as well as to work for these sources to serve as the fountain of imagination and interconnectivity of transhuman bonds.
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