Considerations on the conflict between religion and homosexuality


  • Guilherme Silva Gonçalves Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas



Psychology of religion, homossexuality, mythology, Junguian psychology


This article has investigates psychological aspects that influenced the conflict between homosexuality and religion throughout history, having C. G. Jung analytic psychology as main theoretical reference. This issue is relevant since the current ideological division in Brazil can lead those who back the LGBTI+ community to move away from religious symbols. From a Jungian perspective, this distancing is a problem, since it brings harm to the individuals themselves. The article starts with the analysis of examples of religions, which forbid relationships between people of the same sex. Subsequently, general myths and psychological characteristics of humanity were investigated, that underlie these dogmas. It proceeds to describe the relationship between religion and certain archaic mechanisms of psychological orientation. The conclusion arose that when mythological images, like the divine heterosexual couple, are understood literally and not symbolically, distinct sexuality forms may be devalued. Besides, in various cultures, less frequent natural phenomena are considered transgressions demanding expiation. In the religions studied here, homosexuality was included among these phenomena, even when this does not happen in other traditions. The set of religious experiences that reflect the experience of an average, heterosexual in its majority, influence the communities' sexual taboos. Finally, the article describes an individuation process, a way of solving the conflicts, between the individual's characteristics and the collective values, providing a new access path to the symbols of religious traditions, interpreting these as symbols of the accomplishment of one's own individuality.


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How to Cite

Silva Gonçalves, G. (2020). Considerations on the conflict between religion and homosexuality. Self - Revista Do Instituto Junguiano De São Paulo, 5, 1–18.



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