Understanding of sexuality through the lens of analytical psychology

a literature review





sexuality, analytical psychotherapy, soul, femininity


This research had the objective of answering how analytical psychology has approached sexuality in scientific publications. The method used was and integrative literature review, with research of Journal of Analytical Psychology and Portal de Periódicos Capes databases. In the first the descriptors were: sexuality, analytical psychology and Jungian psychology. In the second: sexualidade, psicologia analítica and psicologia junguiana. Eight articles were found with this research, all published during the last 20 years, besides, other papers were added to provide theoretical basis. The themes identified in the results were: historical and cultural aspects in the reading of anima and animus; the power of the feminine symbolic in the experience of sexuality; psychopathology in sexuality; and new archetypical perspectives about the classic reading of anima and animus. The study points towards a review of assumptions of analytical psychology regarding sexuality, to understand it development and the implications related to gender expression. The conclusion shows that more research is necessary, which should include interviews and reports from patients in the analytical psychology sexuality to enable the understanding the symptoms emerging from hegemonic power relationships.


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How to Cite

Caroline dos Santos, J., Rangel Rossetim de Souza, I., Caius Silvestre Paim, J., Carolina Grabowski de Souza , A., Teles de Brito, B., & Kritski Braz , L. (2024). Understanding of sexuality through the lens of analytical psychology: a literature review. Self - Revista Do Instituto Junguiano De São Paulo, 9, e008. https://doi.org/10.21901/2448-3060/self-2024.vol09.206



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