Borderline Personality disorder
an approach from the itã of Nanã and Obaluaê*
antisocial personality, Jungian psychology, self-mutilation, mythsAbstract
The objective of this paper was to deepen the study of the borderline personality disorder, from the point of view of analytic psychology and to understand the dynamics of the psyche of patients with this condition, through amplification of African Mythology. Based on the study of Jungian and post Jungian authors a symbolic parallel was established between the care of patients with borderline personality disorder, using the Yoruba itãs (stories) of orishas Nanã, Oxalá and Obaluaê, exposing the paternal absence of Oxalá and the warrior aspect of Obaluaê. Iemanjá was brought about as the positive maternal aspect of the Great Mother, representing the figure who gives refuge and takes care of the rejected son, allowing for the amplification and the correlation between the figures of the mother and the therapist. Unlike Greek mythology, African mythology, can be lived and experienced in the clinic, in the Umbanda center or in the candomblé terreiro (temple). Despite Brazil being a diverse and plural country, prejudice and racism towards African religions permeate and transverse the community. Studying and experiencing those myths is like accessing the possibility for transformation.
* NT: itã or ìtan are legends or stories in the Yoruba culture, Nanã, Oxala and Obalaué are mythical figures.
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