The Celtic goddesses and the symbolic journey of the feminine soul
goddesses, mithys, archetypes, feminineAbstract
This article presents an archetypal analysis of the myths of five goddesses of the Celtic mythology, which reflect symbolic and deep aspects of the feminine soul, contributing in this way to the therapeutic process and individuation of women. The ancient mythic stories, permeated by symbols, resound for thousands of years in human cultures, in the imaginary and the folklore. Ancient Celtic myths contain vast and profound symbolic material about the human psyche. However, unlike Greco-Roman mythology, which is well known and the focus of much research, Celtic mythology is still unexplored. For this reason, this article attempts to contribute to studies of Celtic mythology in the field of analytical psychology, weaving dialogues with religion sciences and phenomenology. To achieve this, five goddesses were analyzed, they are: Danann, Brighid, Macha, Cailleach and Cerridwen. This study's approach is qualitative and phenomenological, with bibliographical research, based on the studies of C. G. Jung, Jacobi, Mircea Eliade, Clarissa P. Estés and others.
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